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Did you know that bugs are able to get into and out of even the smallest cracks in your home? This includes your electrical outlets and will result in a bug infestation.

Once they get inside and find a source of shelter and food, they are going to multiply. The problem will likely get worse until you finally take action.

What you may want to know is how the insects got in there, why they chose that spot, and what you can do to get rid of them (and ensure they don’t come back).

Bugs That May Find Their Way into Your Electrical Outlets

There are several types of bugs that can make their way into electrical outlets. Some of the most common include:

  • Bed bugs
  • Ants
  • Termites
  • Wasps

These bugs love to hide in dark, out-of-sight places. This is why your home’s electrical outlets are so appealing. Tight spots such as these make the bugs feel safe and secure. However, this is something that can become problematic – quickly.

Most people don’t really want to see bugs in their house. Not only are the bugs themselves problematic, but they leave behind waste and track in debris. When this happens, the bugs are contributing to the corrosion of your electrical contacts and circuit boards. The bugs may also begin to chew on the wiring and cause the circuits to short.

How to Safely Eliminate Bugs in Your Home’s Outlets

If you find out there’s a bug infestation (of any kind) in your outlets, don’t try poking around or spraying pesticides directly in the outlet. This will cause even more damage to the electrical system and may even result in an injury to you.

It’s a good idea to try to see the extent of the bug infestation and think up a viable option to get rid of the bugs. A solution for a small bug infestation is to use boric acid dust, which can be applied to the outlet cover.

When to Get the Professionals Involved

Unfortunately, if you believe the infestation is more severe, you may need the combined services of a pest control professional and an electrician. The pest control person can get rid of the bugs and help you keep them from coming back.

After you have eliminated the bug, you need to contact an electrician. They can assess your outlets to see if there is any damage and provide rewiring services if necessary.

Don’t Let a Bug Problem Get Out of Hand

Choose to act quickly in response to a bug problem. The issue will only get worse and cause more problems the longer you wait to handle it. By calling a pest control specialist and an electrician, you can feel confident the bugs are gone, and that there is no serious damage to your home’s electrical system. It’s this level of peace of mind that is invaluable when it comes to keeping your home and family safe.

If you think there might be damage to your home’s electrical system due to a bug infestation, contact Tann Electric today!